Residents are furious after plans were revealed to build more than 200 student bedsits next to their homes.

They fear that the extra traffic generated by the students could lead to an increase in the number of accidents - and the visual impact of the buildings will blight the area.

The controversial proposal, due to be discussed by Oxford City Council on May 27, is to build 237 student accommodation units on a section of Oriel Fields, which runs alongside Southfield Road. The site has been owned by Oriel College since 1380. The application has been submitted by Cherwell Housing Trust and residents claim the deal could net the college an estimated £1.8m.

The Divinity Road Area Residents' Association, which has more than 250 members, claim the plans would create the largest residential student accommodation in the Headington and Cowley area.

They are now urging the council to hold a public meeting. Richard English, of Warneford Road, Oxford, stressed that residents had nothing against students.

He said: "We don't think, however, that this is a good site. It is a sensitive area for conservation reasons and is also an important archaeological site."

Neither James Offen, the college's estates bursar, or Aidan Kelly, Cherwell's business development director, were available to comment.

Story date: Thursday 06 May

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