Sally Trench knows all about the terrors of the troubled Balkans. When the Bosnian problems first arose, she led relief expeditions.

As well as helping to get tonnes of supplies into the country, Sally used her experience as an education welfare officer to give practical help to children.

Through her own charity, Project Spark, she took children out of Bosnia and into schools and colleges around the world.

Now Sally has now turned her talents to fiction. Her novel, Fran's War, is published today to raise funds for Project Spark. The novel tells the story of the war through the eyes of a 12-year-old.

Sally emphasised that the children she helps are not refugees. She said: "They all come from their countries on education visas and are admitted to England, Australia, America and so on through education visas.

"They come to get their A-levels and then go back to places like Sarajevo University to become doctors, civil engineers and other jobs to rebuild their own country." Her home in Wendlebury, near Bicester, is owned by Project Spark and is big enough for children to stay before they go off to host homes and schools.

Sally was horrified by the television pictures of the war in Bosnia in 1992 and decided to do something positive, cajoling help from the likes of Richard Branson.

Eventually she led about 30 relief convoys to Bosnia. After the peace agreement was signed, Sally turned her talents towards children. She said: "They were coming to me asking me to take them to England for their education."

So she began sorting out opportunities for children of about sixth form age. She used money from her book, Bury Me in My Boots, about her work with London's homeless, to fund it, as well as going on fundraising lecture tours.

Sally's toughness and ability to deal with bureaucrats came from the time she ran a school for delinquent children in West Hampstead, London, for 15 years. "I think I must have had 700 children through my hands - all children no one else wanted. They all gained their exams," said Sally, whose Christmas Days are spent answering calls from children she has helped, ringing her with thanks.

*Sally will be signing her book at Cole's Book and Music Store, Crown Walk, Bicester, on Saturday, May 15, from noon.

Story date: Thursday 06 May

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