When Kenickie hung up their feather boas for the last time many a glitter-laden tear was shed by indie pop kids everywhere.

But fear not. While singer Lauren La Laverne went off to be a TV presenter, fellow Kenickie refugees Marie Du Santiago and Emmy-Kate Montrose have returned in a new band called Rosita.

A handful of selected London dates, a low-key debut release, and an appearance on the Carling stage at last year's Reading Festival heralded their arrival.

Now Rosita are heading off on their first UK tour proper which brings them to Oxford for the first time in their so far short, yet sparklingly spectacular, career.

Already all over daytime Radio 1, Rosita are currently sweeping the nation. Musically, Rosita are spearheading the current swing back to shimmering, summery, indie pop. Rosita descend on The Kooler (at The Bullingdon, Cowley Road) tonight, along with Mika Bomb, an all girl Japanese punk rock outfit inspired by the likes of the Ramones.

A combination that is both irresistible and unmissable.