Parents who put their children's lives in danger in cars have horrified road safety campaigners.

In a major safety campaign targeting seat-belt use they found women driving with their children unrestrained in the back seats and mothers with children on their laps.

The exercise was carried out by Buckinghamshire County Council, which looks after 20 villages in the Thame and Bicester areas. Highways committee chairman David Rowlands said: "We were disappointed by the results of this exercise. The number of parents who allowed young children to travel in a car without restraint, even though one was fitted, was alarming."

During the campaign in and around Aylesbury, 30 drivers were fined 20 or given advice on seat belts.

And 18 were fined or advised because child passengers were either not wearing a belt or wearing it incorrectly.

Mr Rowlands said: "Drivers and passengers should regard their seat belts as parachutes. If you have an accident it is essential the seat belt works perfectly."