John Fathers, Oxfordshire FA's representative to the Football Association since 1998, died on Friday after a short battle with cancer. He was 59.

Mr Fathers had been on the Oxon FA Council since 1986 when he became referees appointments recretary. Last year, he became a director of the Association.

John Fathers

After playing for Combe, Mr Fathers, who lived in Long Hanborough, was referees' secretary of the Witney FA before moving on to the OFA.

Oxon FA secretary Ian Mason said: "John will be greatly missed as he attended at every county competition semi-final and final and travelled everywhere with the county's youth teams."

A minute's silence was held before the Oxfordshire Junior Shield final between BCS Bardwell and Brize Norton at Bicester Town on Saturday.

Mr Fathers, who also played bowls for West Witney, leaves his wife, Hazel, and two daughters, Jane and Linda. The funeral will be held at Long Hanborough church on Friday at around 11am.