Developers who were too quick off the mark to start work on a site before planners gave their final go-head, have apologized to nearby residents.

The apology from Bovis Homes comes after local planners them to make changes to their plans for building 17 new homes and 40 parking spaces on land off Idbury Close on the Deer Park estate, Witney.

A group of neighbours bombarded West Oxfordshire District Council with objections when the developers moved on to the site with bulldozers before they had full planning permission.

They complained that local wildlife, including hedgehogs and nesting birds, were being destroyed in the clearance work.

The residents were also angry about the noise, spreading of mud across communal areas and other disruption caused by the digging equipment.

Now Bovis has said sorry. Spokesman Lorna Hornby said: "We did not intentionally cause any upset or disturbance and we apologise if we have done so.

"It is difficult to consult with local people until after an application has been through the planning process."

She added, however, that if Bovis does receive permission to build the company would meet with residents on site and look at ways of minimising any disturbance to them.

The site has been zoned for new housing but has been lying vacant for ten years while the Deer Park estate has grown round it.

Bovis has been asked to take note of an ancient hedgerow and a tree with a protection order on it.