OXFORD Stadium are set to introduce an innovation in tote betting on top of the recently announced £1.5m refurbishments at the Sandy Lane greyhound track.

The go-ahead circuit are about to introduce hand-held fast distribution tote ticket machines in the restaurant.

This would mean the tote employees would no long have to keep running to the tote kiosk.

The machine is also capable of issuing vouchers which can be used by companies or businesses instead of using ready cash.

The system is already in use at a couple of GRA tracks, but the machine Oxford are testing is more versatlie and advanced.

Following last Saturday's farce, let's hope the machines pass the test and that they are used more widely than in the restaurant.

As seems the norm on Saturdays, racing is held up to enable patrons to invest on the tote.

No one can blame the Stadium management for wanting their pound of flesh. After all, they are in the leisure business, and takings are the main concern.

However, to run the last race as they did last week at 11.10pm, some 35 minutes later than the scheduled time, is just not on.

To me, these new machines, used all over the Stadium, sound just the ticket.