An Oxford University college is a step closer to winning permission to build student accommodation on Green Belt land.

St Catherine's College in Manor Road wants to develop land next to its Grade I listed building.

The plan includes 132 new student rooms, a 100-seat lecture theatre and seminar rooms.

Oxford City Council's planning committee originally refused permission, but reversed its decision yesterday after it was forced to reconsider the application by the full council, which is now has the final decision.

The committee had said it was 'inappropriate' to develop the city's already limited Green Belt and argued the college should build on its car park to discourage car use.

But St Catherine's argued its plan would be more in keeping with the listed building and landscape and that the extra accommodation would ease the city's housing problem as eight college homes in St Clements would be sold. English Heritage had said the impact on the listed building would be neutral.

Planning committee chairman John Goddard said:

"My own view is that this is a very exceptional circumstance. It enhances the view into the Green Belt and reduces the number of car parking spaces, while being consistent with the Grade I listed building."

But Cllr Mary Clarkson vowed to continue fighting the scheme. She said: "There's no evidence that building on the car park would not be possible.."