A woman has admitted assaulting a policeman as he tried to remove her child.

Didcot magistrates heard that police were called to her home of Adriana Gribben, 25, at Appleford Drive, Abingdon, on June 25, after she had been drinking.

Shelley Cranshaw, prosecuting, said Gribben's ex-partner had told police she was not in a fit state to look after their child.

Gribben struck Pc Mark Williams who was trying to remove the child, said Mrs Cranshaw.

Tony Davis, defending, said Gribben had suffered physical abuse from her partner over a long period and had retaliated.

Mr Davis added that Gribben regretted the incident and was upset, and struck the officer while she was thrashing around in an inebriated state.

Gribben was remanded on unconditional bail, pending sentencing.