Veteran midfielder Chris Fontaine has turned down the chance to be Abingdon Town's club captain to have another crack at helping Thame United win promotion from Ryman League Division 1.

The 37-year-old topped ambitious Abingdon's list of summer transfer targets, and the Ryman Division 3 club even went as far as anncouncing that he would be joining them.

But after having talks with Thame United boss Andy Sinnott, he has decided to stay at Windmill Stadium. Chris Fontaine has pledged his future with Thame United

Pete Lamont, assistant to Abingdon boss Alan Thorne, said: "Chris Fontaine has changed his mind and made me look a right prat after shaking my hand.

"He has now been approached again by Andy and Thame United and decided that he doesn't want to drop down to our level.

"Thame offered him more money, much more than we can and he has decided to delay his opportunity to be a captain and a coach.

"To say I am disappointed is putting it mildly and Alan is bitterly disappointed, but good luck to the boy if that is what he wants to do. We wish him all the best and hope he has not made a mistake."

But Fontaine claimed he had never agreed to the move.

"I didn't shake hands on it," he said. "They got it all wrong. It has been hard for me to say 'no' to Alan. I said I will think about it and make my mind up.

"Once I had talked to Andy, I decided what I was going to do. I decided I was staying at Thame, so that was sorted.

"I don't know how long I have got left in me. I know I can play at that level for maybe one more season and Andy wants me there.

"Money has nothing to do with it. I want to play at that standard. We had a good side last year and just blew it. It was just one of those things. Hopefully, this year we can have a good FA Cup run and go up."

Thame manager Andy Sinnott said: "I didn't think there was any danger of Chris leaving the football club.

"I have been in regular contact with him during the summer and I always expected him to stay.

"It's always dangerous to announce things until you have got names on pieces of paper, but Alan and Pete are endeavouring to build a club there.

Meanwhile, Thame start pre-season training at Wimdmill Stadium on Saturday, July 7 (11am) with sessions also on Tuesdays and Thursdays.