Huge increases in charges at Oxford's suburban car parks could be introduced -- despite widespread public opposition.

The increases are expected to raise more than £300,000 a year for the cash-strapped city council, and deter long-stay or commuter car parking.

Church worshippers and traders have also criticised plans to increase Sunday charges in city centre car parks.

The affected surburban car parks are at Ferry, Headington (Old High Street), Summertown, St Clement's, St Leonard's Road, and Union Street. Charges for a stay of eight or more hours at some may double.

The proposals will be discussed at a special meeting of the city council highways and traffic committee on Monday.

Graham Jones, a spokesman for traders' group Rescue Oxford said increased Sunday charges would act as a "serious deterrent" to shoppers.

Dr Judith Bird, of Ridgeway Road, Headington, parks in Westgate car park to attend St Aldate's Church.

She told the council: "I am extremely unhappy that I, and many others who chose to worship on Sunday, are being subjected to such high parking costs."

Samantha Hewitt, who works for the Co-op in Summertown, parks at the Summertown car park.

She said: "It would be both impractical and unsafe for me to use the bus or park and ride service because my working day is often 10 hours long.

"This increase would cost me £3,370 a year - a quarter of my salary."