A teenager died after he was hit by two cars as he crossed a dual carriageway after a night out with friends.

Matthew Cornish, 18, of Wilkins Road, Cowley, was hit as he walked along the southbound carriageway of the A34, near Kennington, in the early hours of June 24 this year.

Following a police appeal after the accident, a number of people said they had seen a man walking on or near the A34.

Mr Cornish's father, Clifford , also of Wilkins Road, told Oxfordshire Coroner Nicholas Gardiner: "I find it incredible the accident happened where it did. Where we live is a 20-minute walk from where he left his friends. He had money in his wallet so he could have taken a taxi.

"It's a complete mystery. We've wracked our brains over this."

The inquest heard Matthew was struck by a Vauxhall Corsa driven by Wendy Spearman, of Drayton Road, Abingdon.

Mrs Spearman, who was driving on dipped headlights at between 60 and 65 mph said she had seen a "shadow" move from the right-hand side.

She said: "Before the impact, I didn't realise what it was was. I braked and pulled up."

In a statement read to the court, taxi driver Ijaz Sarwar, of James Wolfe Road, Cowley, said he had picked up a fare in Oxford and was overtaking a car when he felt something hit the wheels of the car.

"I looked to the right and thought I saw the body of a man. I couldn't believe what I'd seen," he said.

After dropping his passengers off at Grove, Mr Sawar rang his brother, a taxi driver, who told him he had earlier seen a man staggering around in the carriageway. Mr Sawar reported what had happened at St Aldate's police station.

Leo Midwinter, of David Walter Close, Cutteslowe, Oxford, said he had been drinking with Matthew and a group of friends during the afternoon of June 24. Later in the evening, Matthew said he was going home and left the bar.

Mr Midwinter said: "I do not know of any reason why he should be on the A34 leading to Abingdon."

The inquest heard that blood tests revealed Matthew was more than two-and-a-half times above the legal limit for driving.

Recording a verdict of accidental death, Mr Gardiner said it was clear Matthew had crossed the carriageway and had given Mrs Spearman "no time to react."