A helpline is being launched to help people navigate the maze of services provided by the NHS.

The freephone number is being provided by North East Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust, along with a postal and e-mail service.

The helpline is a 24-hour answerphone. All calls will be acknowledged by staff within 72 hours.

The service is there to direct people to local NHS services, to answer questions about health care and to help explain how the NHS works.

Ginny Hope, director of developments for the trust, said: "We know how frustrating it can be to find the right person to speak to.

"At the trust we're keen to ensure that people know how to get in touch with us. It may be that we can answer queries ourselves or that we can direct people on to a person or service that can help them.

"The new Freephone Helpline and Freepost address have been set up to make having a say that much easier."

The trust caters for Bicester, Kidlington and Woodstock.

Services include family doctors, Bicester Community Hospital, community nursing, community dentistry, family planning, nutrition, physiotherapy, the school health service and speech and language therapy.

The Freephone Helpline number is 0800 052 6088. The Freepost address is NE Oxon PCT, Freepost SCE13534, Bicester, 0X26 6BR, and the service's e-mail address is helpline@neoxon-pct.nhs.uk

A public board meeting for the trust is being held at the Littlebury Hotel, in King's End, Bicester, on Thursday at 12.30pm.