Assessments are due to start next month to determine whether pedestrian crossings should be built in a notoriously dangerous road in Grove.

Campaigners have collected a petition with 900 signatures calling for pedestrian crossings in Brereton Drive, which they claim is an accident waiting to happen.

A crossing patrol officer resigned after being knocked down on the road two years ago.

Brereton Drive, which runs through Grove, is used by pupils from Millbrook Primary School, off Denchworth Road, and Grove Primary School, in North Drive.

Arshad Khan, area traffic engineer for Oxfordshire County Council, said investigations were due to start next month to determine whether traffic calming measures or crossings would be appropriate in the road.

Mr Khan said: "First of all, we will look at the accident record for the last five years, which consists of any personal injury accidents that have been reported to the police. We will also be looking at the number of people using the road at points where pedestrian crossings have been proposed.

"At this stage, it is impossible to say whether or not a scheme will be put forward for traffic-calming measures or crossings until we have more detailed information."

The two locations where crossings have been proposed are by Sycamore Walk and Wessex Way.

Cheryl Lloyd, chairman of the Friends of Millbrook School, said: "Grove Parish Council, schools in the area and the community at large have tried and tried for a number of years to get something done.

"It doesn't look like a major road, but cars do whizz along it, despite the 30mph speed limit."