Radical plans are under way to boost further education in Oxfordshire, with a new college planned for the Bicester area.

The Learning and Skills Council is working with colleges of further education in central, north and east Oxfordshire to increase the availability of places over the next five years.

There are currently about 22,000 students in further education in the county. The new college could initially cater for about 3,000 full- and part-time students.

The new establishment will be a key part of the LSC's plan to increase the number of further education places in the county by 50 per cent within the next five years. It will also provide places for students at Rycotewood College, Thame, which is to close and move from the town.

Abingdon and West Oxfordshire colleges last year merged to become Abingdon and Witney College, and now three other FE establishments in the county are joining forces to boost the number of places for school-leavers.

The LSC is working with Oxford College in Oxpens Road, North Oxfordshire College of School and Art in Banbury and Rycotewood College in Thame, to find a new site to serve north-east Oxford- shire.

The current college sites in Oxford and Banbury will be maintained.

Banbury MP Tony Baldry said: "It's a matter of concern that there's no further education provision in Bicester. I hope it won't be long before the LSC can provide further education in Bicester.

Lynda Purser, executive director of the local LSC, said: "We anticipate significant benefits for learners, and the opportunity to raise college staying-on rates and achievement levels."