Cookery writer and TV personality Sophie Grigson advised pupils not to be frightened of cookery when she spent a morning at Didcot Girls' School.

Describing herself as a domestic cook rather than a chef, she taught students how to use unfamiliar ingredients such as smoked pimenton -- a spice-like paprika -- and chickpea flour.

Sophie Grigson with students Sharlene Browning, Heather Francis, and Emma Mason, all 15

Her three-course menu began with a French batter mix with rosemary, followed by smoked chicken kebabs using pimenton in the marinade as well as tarragon.

Janis Paynter, head of food technology at the school, said: "The girls enjoyed Miss Grigson's down-to-earth attitude and approach to cooking, as well as tasting her cookery.

"She talked about all sorts of things -- kitchen knives and utensils, herbs and skills in the kitchen, and careers in catering."

Answering a question from one of the girls, Miss Grigson, who lives near Abingdon, said the miniature fish slice and grater earrings she was wearing had been specially designed for her.