A student leader has praised Oxford Brookes University for its actions after a first-year student was struck down with meningitis.

Nick Adams, president of the student union, commended the way 7,000 students received letters about the 25-year-old man's illness.

The student, who has not been named, was staying in halls of residence in Headington before being diagnosed on June 30.

Mr Adams said: "We think the university acted very responsibly with this matter and sent letters out to everyone. I think this chap must have been one of the last people to be in halls, because most people left for the summer holidays last week.

"I don't think anyone will be at risk."

The student is said to be recovering well at Oxford's John Radcliffe Hospital. It is not yet known which strain of meningitis he has contracted.

All people in close contact with the student have been traced and given antibiotics where necessary.