A Bodicote primary school is the first in Oxfordshire to run a record three 'walking buses' to get pupils safely to classes.

Bishop Loveday School started the scheme in April, when children began walking together under the supervision of parents from Molyneux Drive.

Demand was so great that two other routes, from Cherwell Heights and Easington, were set up.

Now, 65 pupils walk to school in crocodile fashion every morning.

Each 'bus' has a timetable and stopping places where children join the walk.

Oxfordshire County Council's Travelwise team has provided support packs and fluorescent jackets for the walkers.

Headteacher Linda Rowley said: "Even more pupils could be part of the action. Our regular walking bus newsletter keeps everyone up to date with how our buses are running and with three routes there's bound to be one that is convenient for all pupils -- even if they're still driven part of the way."

Pupils who regularly use the 'walking buses' win certificates.

Mrs Rowley said: "The certificates are presented in morning assembly, and the children love it."