Eight former Army officers who worked at Bicester Defence Storage and Distribution Centre have joined the protest against Government plans to build an asylum centre near the town.

They fear that if the plans for the centre, on surplus Ministry of Defence land between Piddington and Arncott, are approved there could be a risk to security at the nearby distribution centre.

The former officers, Brig Gordon Newark, Col Robert Herdman, Col George Gillberry, Col Terry Byrd OBE, Col Bruce Owen MBE, Col Mike Smith, Lt Col John Lorenzen, and Lt Col Roger Marriner, who all still live in the area, have sent a letter to Cherwell District Council opposing the plans.

In the letter they said their objection relates to the threat to military security and law and order.

The letter said: "The main difference between this proposal and other proposals to use ex-MOD sites is that, so far as we are aware, all of the other sites have been totally vacated by the MOD, whereas, in this case an operational military establishment still remains.

"Bicester Garrison includes sensitive military installations pivotal to the supply and maintenance of British Armed Forces worldwide."

The application is due to be debated at the south area planning meeting on July 11.