Abingdon mayor Audrey Tamplin has been busy exercising to raise money for a school project.

Mrs Tamplin, who is a governor at St Nicolas Primary School, walked 10 circuits around Albert Park and raised £104 in sponsorship towards a wildlife garden and pond.

She said: "It was a thoroughly enjoyable occasion.

"I wanted to help because the children are so committed to creating a garden that would be designed and looked after by themselves."

Ellen Robertson, nine, said: "She was amazing. She's recently had a new hip, but she kept up with all the children -- even with her mayor's chain on."

Nearly 500 pupils, staff and parents took part and the school expects to raise about £2,000.

Eighty per cent of the money will go towards the pond and garden project, the remainder being sent to the charity Little People, Big Needs, the campaign backed by the Oxford Mail for the new £15m Oxford Children's Hospital.