A grateful Oxford businesswoman is donating cash to the John Radcliffe Hospital following the premature birth of her daughter.

Styling model Libby Liu's hair is Joanne Paterson

Dewi Batts, who founded her wedding company Do Re Mi three months ago, showed off her wares at an exhibition at Oxford Town Hall on Saturday.

Visitors were able to view the package on offer -- not only the choice of bridal dress and groom's suit, but also the wedding cake.

Two years ago Mrs Batts, who lives in Skylark Place, Blackbird Leys, with her lorry driver husband Dave gave birth to Jennifer, 15 weeks early and weighing just 1lb 8oz. Mother and daughter were cared for at the hospital, in Headington.

Jennifer is blind and needs constant care, and now Mrs Batts, and her friend, Ann Beh give 10 per cent of their business earnings to the charities Mencap and SSNAP, which helps to support the special care baby unit at the John Radcliffe.