A food store was unveiled on October 22 in Summertown, Oxford.

The Marks & Spencer shop will sell food, wines, household goods, and underwear. It will also house a bakery and 25-seat coffee shop. About 80 jobs have been created.

Work to convert the former Allied Carpets store in Banbury Road began in August.

Store manager Mark Goodson said: "It's been a rush but we've got there. I look forward to welcoming the people of Summertown and the surrounding areas to the store. We're sure it will be a hit."

Justin King, M&S food business director, said: "We're delighted to reinforce our commitment to the county with this significant investment."

Marks & Spencer has invested £2m to rejuvenate its Oxford and Banbury stores during the past year.

Mr King added: "We're confident the site in Summertown, with its excellent location and accessibility for commuters and residents, will allow us to build on the success of the past year."

The nearby Co-op supermarket is launching a fair trade initiative -- supporting local food and ethical trading -- to compete with the M&S store.