Two district councils in Oxfordshire are joining forces with teachers in a strategy to tackle drug abuse by school pupils.

The Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire councils are staging a training day for 34 secondary school teachers from 18 state and independent schools at Lain's Barn, near Wantage, on October 30. The teachers will hear from council and county council representatives, the police, the youth offending team and a specialist drug awareness training organisation.

Teachers will learn how to recognise pupils who are addicted. There will also be sessions on the law and the rights of young people and teachers. Sue Cooper, cabinet member for community safety on South Oxfordshire District Council, said: "Teaching young people about the dangers of drug taking is only one part of the solution.

"They need to be able to recognise the symptoms and know how to handle the situation."

Jerry Patterson, the Vale's executive member with responsibility for community safety, said drug dependency could be directly linked to crimes such as robbery and burglary.

He said: "Drug taking and the crime it generates can ruin the lives of young people, their friends and families."