Norman Bowley, the man known to many as Mr Horspath, has died at the age of 82.

Mr Bowley, of Gidley Way, died on Sunday morning (October 27).

He was a member of the village's parish council and its chairman for many years, and a tireless campaigner for the community.

He represented Horspath as an Independent on South Oxfordshire District Council from its inception in 1973 until four years ago.

Mr Bowley led the successful campaign to protect the Victorian railway bridge in Horspath from demolition in 1994.

As a council planning committee member, he urged that an application to demolish the bridge and build two houses be refused.

He later opposed a plan by British Rail to knock down the bridge, insisting it was an important landmark, and helped to slow traffic in the village.

The bridge, now more than 140 years old, still remains in place.

He was involved in every aspect of village life. When he moved to Horspath he lived in a Nissen hut while he built his home -- then allowed the hut to become the local scouts' HQ.

He led the campaigns which successfully got Horspath its new village hall and 12 acres of recreation ground, known at Bowley Field.

He led the village's successful opposition to plans by British Leyland, Oxfordshire County Council and his own district council for 33 acres on the edge of the village to be used for British Leyland car parking.

He was at various times a member, and often chairman, of the village hall management committee, the parochial church council and the Scout council.

He also served as a governor of Horspath and Wheatley Park schools, and was chairman of Horspath parochial charities.

He was passionately interested in planning and was chairman for several years of the district council's northern area planning committee, continuing often to attend meetings after he left the council.

He is survived by his widow Molly and his son and grandchild.

Mr Bowley's funeral was being held at Oxford Crematorium today (29 October), at 12.45pm.

The service was being followed by a gathering at the village hall.