Residents in a Wallingford street, opposed to a planned housing development, have asked town councillors to back their protest.

They said they do not object to houses going on the site, but they do object to so many of them.

They fear the extra traffic will produce chaos along Wantage Road and back into Wallingford town centre.

Adrian Lloyd, of Nelson Close, spoke on behalf of residents whose homes are alongside the Blue Mountains old people's home and the Sinodun Centre.

A new home for the elderly is being built in St George's Road and, once that is complete, Oxfordshire County Council wants to develop the present site with more than 60 houses.

Mr Lloyd told the town council: "The density envisaged for this development is twice the density of existing homes there.

"We don't object to houses being there, but they should be around the same density as those at present -- 20 to the acre, and not the planned 40.

"We need the town council's support."

Town councillors have already sent a detailed objection to the proposed develop- ment.

Mayor Nigel Moor said they would keep close contact with residents to make sure everyone knows of any changes in plans for the site.