An 18-year-old woman was indecently assaulted while walking near St Frideswide Church in Botley Road, Oxford.

The attack happened at about 12.30am on Tuesday, October 29, after the offender started talking to the woman.

He took her to the churchyard where the assault took place.

The woman, who cannot recall exactly how she got into the churchyard, suffered minor injuries to her arms and was left shaken and upset after fighting off the offender.

Police would like to talk to a taxi driver who stopped and assisted the woman after her ordeal and a female passenger who also helped.

They may have information that could lead to the offender's identification.

The offender is a dark-skinned man in his late 20s or early 30s, about 5ft 9in, with receding dark hair shaved at the sides. He is clean shaven and was wearing blue jeans and a padded black jacket.

Anyone with information should call Oxford CID on 01865 266 119 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.