Large crowds will gather throughout Oxfordshire on November 10 to watch remembrance parades and pay tribute to those who lost their lives in war.

Army cadets, Cubs, Scouts, Brownies and Guides will join past and present members of the armed forces to march through the streets of towns and villages across the county.

Two-minute silences will be observed at 11am and wreaths laid at war memorials displaying the names of the dead.

The main remembrance event will take place in St Giles, Oxford. The road and nearby Beaumont Street will close to traffic as hundreds of people gather to watch a march past and service conducted by three ministers.

Oxford Salvation Army band will lead members of the Royal British Legion and other ex-servicemen's groups to the memorial shortly after 10.30am.

The Waterloo Band of the Royal Rifle Volunteers and the choir of the Church of St Giles will provide music.

The firing of a maroon will mark the two-minute silence, and Lord Mayor Gill Sanders will lay the first wreath at the war memorial on behalf of the people of Oxford.

Several smaller services, organised by the Royal British Legion, are planned elsewhere in Oxford.

A parade will march from lower Wolvercote, picking up older members of the Royal British Legion on the way, finishing at St Peter's Church for a service.

The parade will also march through Wytham village at noon.

In Littlemore, a ceremony will be held in the grounds of the Legion hall, in Lakefield Road.

Ex-servicemen and members of the Jubilee Brass Band will gather around the memorial at 10.30am for a traditional service.

Residents in Bicester will be joined by people from their German and French twin towns at the remembrance service.

Mayor Diana Edwards will lead the laying of wreaths at the war memorial in the churchyard of St Edburg's, in Church Street.

Up to 500 people are expected to attend Sunday's service in Abingdon.

The ceremony begins with a service at St Helen's Church at 10am, from where the civic party will walk to the war memorial in The Square for the wreath laying. After the two-minute silence, a fly-past is scheduled by two training aircraft from the University Air Training Squadron at RAF Benson.

In Wantage, a remembrance service will be held in the Parish Church of SS Peter and Paul, at 11am, followed by a service and wreath-laying ceremony in Grove cemetery at 2.30pm.

The pipes and drums of Oxford Caledonian Pipe Band will head Didcot's remembrance parade.

The parade will assemble at Edinburgh Drive car park before marching off at 2.45pm via Broadway to Smallbone Recreation Ground, in Britwell Road.

A united remembrance service will take place at 3pm when poppy wreaths will be laid around the Memorial Sundial flanked by standards, colours, flags and banners.

Harwell's poppy wreath-laying ceremony will take place at the war memorial, in High Street, at 10.45am, and former servicemen will be among those attending Wallingford's service at the war memorial at 11am.

In Witney, people will congregate at the war memorial, in Church Green, at 10.45 am before processing to St Mary's Church for the service. Among those laying wreaths will be Witney MP David Cameron.

In Woodstock, Yarnton Band will lead the procession to St Mary Magdalene Church.

The Duke of Marlborough, who is president of the town's branch of the Royal British Legion, will be among those laying wreaths.

In Carterton, the mayor Keith Stone and the chairman of West Oxfordshire District Council, Joe Walcott, will be among those gathering at the war memorial in Alvescot Road. The parade will start at 10.30am to be followed by a service in St John's Church.

In Chipping Norton, the town's branch of the Royal British Legion will hold its annual parade moving off from the Market Square at 10.25am, with the salute taken by the town's mayor, Jo Graves.

The service will start in St Mary's Church at 11am followed by a reception in the town hall.

In Charlbury, pipers from the Scots Guards Association will lead the parade from Spendlove Centre to St Mary's Church, starting at 2.30pm for the service at 3pm. The salute will be taken by the Vice Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire, Malcolm Cochrane.

In Burford, mayor Keith Davies will be among those laying wreaths at the war memorial at 10.45am before the service in the church.