NHS staff have ended long trolley waits at Oxford's John Radcliffe Hospital, but are struggling to stop the same problem at The Horton in Banbury.

In the last six weeks, no casualty patients at the JR, in Headington, have waited longer than 12 hours. But in the last fortnight alone there have been nine long waits at the Horton.

The Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust, responsible for both sites, has brought in several measures to reduce trolley waits at the JR -- historically troubled by high numbers of patients and bed shortages.

The initiatives, including opening a new trauma unit to free surgical beds allowing many accident and emerg- ency patients to be admitted more quickly, do not have a direct impact on the Banbury hospital.

ORH operational services director Mike Fleming said The Horton's A&E department was small, and more susceptible to pressure in demand.