More than 200 walkers, and dogs, are taking part in the annual Royal British Legion Poppy Walk from Harwell on May 11.

The main fundraising event organised by the Berkshire branch of the Legion, the walk is expected to raise more than £14,000 for the Poppy Appeal.

The 10-mile sponsored event follows a circular route, which includes part of the Ridgeway.

County field officer John Regan said anyone was welcome to join the walk or visit the Harwell British Legion Club where there would be entertainment, including a traditional jazz band and a barbecue, starting at 11am.

Registration for the walk is at 9.30am at the Harwell Legion Club.

Participants will be invited to make a donation to the Poppy Appeal.

Mr Regan said the walk was not suitable for young children or people in wheelchairs.

He said dogs were welcome -- and many were being sponsored.

There will be four checkpoints with transport to take walkers back to the Harwell club if they are unable to complete the 10 miles.

Army and air cadets will be among many groups taking part in the event.