Didcot's All Saints' Church Hall is literally cracking up and needs to be replaced.

Despite efforts to repair and maintain the building, the Rev Andrew Coleby, priest-in-charge, said a crack in the floor now ran the 17-metre length of the building in Roman Place off Foxhall Road.

The Rev Andrew Coleby outside the church hall

Woodwork is rotting and repairs have had to be carried out to the ceiling and the roof.

Dr Coleby said a toilet for the disabled would also have to be installed before next year, adding to the cost.

He said: "The concrete-block building was put up nearly 30 years ago, mainly as a hall for youth groups."

The building was "past its sell-by date" and, with the increasing cost of maintenance and improvements, the church needed to decide whether to build a new hall.

Dr Coleby said the church had launched a fundraising appeal for a modern prefabricated building because some groups were reluctant to hire the hall.

The new building will cost about £90,000.

Dr Coleby said: "The old building has been well used. It is still used by Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, Guides and Brownies as well as two toddler groups and the church's own groups."

The new building will be the same size as the present hall. It will include a kitchen, toilets and a parish office.

Dr Coleby hoped it could be built within two years.

The town council has pledged £1,000 to the scheme and the church hopes to attract grants from the Diocese and South Oxfordshire District Council.

Dr Coleby said: "We will have to raise most of the money from events, including our Advent Fair in the autumn."