Does Oxfordshire County Council leader Keith Mitchell not realise that most long-suffering council taxpayers think his council is under-performing?

The point that is continually missed is that he and his team plan to spend more than they have, year in year out.

They simply pass on any shortfall to the public in huge additional council tax charges and blame the Government, council opposition parties, the weather, in fact anyone but themselves.

In contrast, managers in thousands of private companies providing goods and services to a public that has freedom of choice as to where it spends its money, work tirelessly to reduce costs.

They know that giving more for less money is a way of life in the competitive world.

This 'more for less' mindset is what is missing in Mr Mitchell's 'how to run a council' strategy.

Council taxpayers up and down the country should stop accepting second-rate services for the large sums of money extracted from them every year.

Mr Mitchell should stop defending the indefensible in your pages and get on with the job he is paid to do. If he and his team do not have the will, vision, enthusiasm or tenacity to achieve great things, then step aside.

There are plenty of people in private industry who can show you the way.


Dashwood Avenue
