Have we gone stark raving bonkers? For stealing money from parking meters on three occasions, Albanian Vasile Bondor gets three weeks' holiday, is waited on and addressed as 'Sir' (Oxford Mail, March 16).

In my day, a lad stole a watch from the 'big house' where he worked. Punishment? The birch and six months' Borstal.

This had an effect on all of us. If the idiots running this dear old country are concerned about crime, they should adopt the above punishment at once.

Also bring back the noose -- I will volunteer as hangman.

Can you imagine Bondor calling his mates? "Come on over, they have money boxes in the streets where you help yourselves. When you get fed up, there are holiday camps which are free, with comfortable accommodation, plenty to eat and sport and games."

Please, God help us, before the true British public take it on themselves to bring back law and order.


