The word 'challenge' clearly features high on the list of headteacher Ian Johnson's list of priorities in life.

Having successfully turned round one school in difficulty, he is now off to improve another.

He will leave Oxford School in east Oxford in the summer to run a new school in Kent, which will replace Britain's worst comprehensive.

When Mr Johnson arrived in 1998, Oxford School had serious weaknesses, according to inspectors.

Within three years, it was described as "a rapidly improving and effective school that gives good value for money".

Mr Johnson said modestly at the time that his staff had greatly contributed to the success, almost brushing aside the inspectors' comment that his leadership had been inspirational.

His achievement, however, had not gone unnoticed, and he has now been rewarded with one of the toughest education jobs in the country.

We wish him well in his latest challenge. Kent's gain will be Oxfordshire's loss.