Sir - Councils have a duty to protect the elderly, more so when they are tenants in designated OAP sheltered accommodation.

Oxford City Council has had problems housing homeless people and those with drink, drug and mental health problems.

It has used the easy option of housing many of them in the 'sheltered' homes, having altered their status, regardless of the disturbance they could generate.

I am not surprised that many elderly people shun living in these properties as their security is threatened. At area meetings, I have voiced their concern hoping that councillors would take note, but it appears to fall on deaf ears.

Councillor Stuart Craft's motion to stop those with drink, drug or mental health problems being housed in accommodation designated for the elderly (Oxford Mail, August 13) should have been incorporated as council policy.

Labour and other councillors who rejected the motion should be ashamed of themselves.

Vim Rodrigo

Rivermead Road

Rose Hill
