Sir -- Your articles, Villagers' boundary battle and County angry at ward plans (Oxford Mail, August 19) reveal only the 'tip of the iceberg' about plans for new county council divisions.

The same is happening in many communities throughout Oxfordshire.

Abingdon/Drayton, Banbury, Bicester, Didcot, Kidlington/Yarnton/Begbroke, Thame/Chinnor and Wantage/Grove are all at risk of having excessively large electoral divisions foist upon them.

The situation is particularly acute in Chinnor, Drayton, Grove and Yarnton/Begbroke, in each of which smaller communities are at risk of being submerged in a nearby larger community.

I agree entirely with Councillor Keiron Mallon when he encourages the public to send letters of protest to the Electoral Commission.

You correctly state the official deadline as September 7. However, in view of the well-known difficulties at the Royal Mail, I would encourage anyone who is thinking of writing to do so before the end of August.

It really is important to ensure the Electoral Commission is made aware of the extent to which small communities value their independence.

The address is The Secretary, The Electoral Commission, Trevelyan House, Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2HW.

CHRIS ROBINS (Councillor)

Foxdown Close
