Sir -- Councillor Keith Mitchell's tongue in cheek comment that I had got my kilt in the proverbial twist (Oxford Mail, August 19) is not what one would expect from the leader of Oxfordshire County Council.

This is the sort of comment one would expect to find depicted on a postcard from a traditional seaside resort in England.

Although I may have been born in Scotland, my father wasn't. I do not belong to any clan and therefore do not possess a kilt.

One can only wonder if Mr Mitchell will be making any further 'humorous', albeit outmoded observations about the national dress of any other ethnic minority?

On the issue of building extra homes on land that is

available south of Grenoble Road, may I remind Mr Mitchell and your readers that when this issue was raised at a county council meeting, the entire administration voted against such a proposal?

Therefore, I am somewhat mystified with Mr Mitchell's comment on the Today programme that that he "was not opposing additional housing".

Can it therefore be assumed that some kind of U-turn has taken place at County Hall?

MICK McANDREWS (Councillor)

Old Marston Division

Oxfordshire County Council