Sir -- I wish to comment on air pollution in Oxford.

The report by the Calor gas company showing Oxford's air quality to be the worst in the country (Oxford Mail, August 27) is alarming to say the least.

Let's not fool ourselves -- it is the sheer number of buses that is the problem.

They pollute the air with their fumes and they have always been responsible for most of the city's congestion problems.

Cars are banned in Queen Street, with only buses allowed to use it, yet this is the worst part of the city for air pollution.

Mary Clarkson, the city council's executive member for the environment, says she will improve things by enforcing the ban on cars in High Street.

This makes no sense at all. Oxford's only answer is to build an electric tram system.

If that is not possible, we should let the cars back into the city, then restrict the number of buses allowed to operate, especially the antiquated tour buses.

All London and non-local buses must also be removed.

Oxford councillors should realise that a well-adjusted, modern car with a catalytic converter cleans air in a city like Oxford, and that diesel-fuelled vehicles are the main culprits.


High Street
