Sir - It is amusing to be taken to task for being 'politically motivated' (Oxford Mail, October 26) for my comments on the Headington parking and traffic situation and its origins, particularly by Stephen Tall, an elected party politician, who, by definition, must approach issues from a political angle.

For the record, I am not a member of any political party, though I was once a member of the SDP in its early days.

Mr Tall assumed I was referring to the Radcliffe Infirmary relocation, which I did not mention.

Much of the impact of that change is for the future. My main current concern relates to the Churchill/Old Road campus site where major growth in office space is occurring with no increase in parking.

My contention is that this situation arose as a result of Lib Dem/Green policy to deter commuting by car.

Anyway, all that is in the past, and where Mr Tall and I can agree is that this is an important local issue, and a way forward is needed which enables workers to work and local residents to go about their business as conveniently as possible.

Let's see everyone working together to resolve the issues using commonsense and without resorting to party dogma.

Trevor Lambert

