SIR -- I agree 100 per cent with Andy Beal's observations about the outragous bus fare rises that have been sneaked in (Oxford Mail, October 30).

Not only have they been raised well above inflation, the actual rises have not been advertised.

There were notices on the buses stating that some fares will rise 10p or 20p, but they did not state which ones.

There are no notices on the buses stating what the new fares are for the various passes available. Is this because the bus companies are too embarrassed to advertise them?

It is true that the council is trying to force people on to public transport, but buses cannot cope at peak times.

I have stood at the bus stop near Clive Road in the morning and many times the bus has driven past, not stopping because it is full. How are they to cope with more passengers?

I also will have to think about driving into town instead of taking the bus because, like Mr Beal, it will now be cheaper.


Campbell Road

