SIR -- In your otherwise excellent coverage of my speech at this week's meeting of Oxfordshire County Council (Oxford Mail, November 3), I would make one small correction.

It is not so much the Green Belt issue which I fear could have people taking to the streets in protest (although it might), but the way in which people are being treated by this wretched, unelected regional government.

We heard at the council meeting that the South East England Regional Assembly (Seera) had not even had the courtesy to let the ink fully dry on the county council executive's advice before it rejected it and called for a hike of 25 per cent in our housebuilding targets and a review of our Green Belt.

The undemocratic nature of this speaks volumes and contrasts with the full democratic process through which our own Structure Plan is going and which represents the current vision for the future of this county.

JOHN HOWELL (Councillor)

Dorchester Division

Oxfordshire County Council