If Blair wins power in Oxford East he has vowed to turn up to Parliament naked -- so people can see him for what he is.

Not Tony Blair, but New Loony candidate Honest T Blair, who is convinced he has the policies to sweep him to victory in the General Election.

If his campaign proves successful he has pledged to:

Harness energy from gymnasium treadmills to power the nation

Re-colonise America -- the New Loonies want to make the USA a British colony once more and hold a 'T-party' with everyone wearing XXL T-shirts

Expose Prime Minister Tony Blair's "lunacy policies" -- Honest T Blair claims that within 30 years the south of England will have a climate similar to the south of France, but with John Prescott's massive housebuilding plans for the region the New Loonies are concerned by a lack of space for Champagne vineyards.

Professional care worker Mr T Blair -- who has changed his name by deed poll and will not reveal his previous name -- said: "The whole thing is a spoof and a bit of fun, but a lot of this is me just trying to put a little entertainment into the election.

"A lot of people I work with have no interest in politics, don't care and don't think they can make a difference -- I passionately believe people can make a difference."

Mr T Blair, who claims to be 46, was one of the founders of the Stop the War movement which protested against the war in Iraq.

He has set his sights on ousting pro-war Oxford East MP Andrew Smith, but said he was not a single-issue candidate.

"We could all see there were no weapons of mass destruction -- apart from one person -- and that's what really stuck in my throat," the would-be MP said.

"Tony Blair is comedy himself because all his policies are loony -- he says he has decreased class sizes, but how has he done this? By increasing truancy.

"The Tories who dominate Oxfordshire voted against the war, while Andrew Smith did not listen to his constituents and voted for it. He should be ashamed of himself."

The New Loony campaign team is holding a series of fundraising drives to find the £500 deposit all candidates put up to stand in a General Election.

Tomorrow, Honest T Blair appears with Nick Toczek, the Inflatable Buddhas and Darren Poyzer at Exeter Hall, in Oxford Road at 7.30pm.