I read that Tory county councillors intend to remove on-street car parking charges in Oxford city centre from 18.00 on Monday to Saturday and all day Sunday (Oxford Mail, April 5).

Your headline was Gimmick or Godsend? Well, what do you think? They also propose to scrap charging at various park-and-ride sites to reinforce their view that the car is not "the spawn of the devil".

That comment says it all? A bit frightening really when Ann Widdecombe, bless her, said there was 'something of the night' about Michael Howard. Perhaps that Tory statement proves it?

If Keith Mitchell and his Tory colleagues decide to really mess about with parking charges in Oxford, where we do not have one single Tory councillor and have had only one in the last 10 years or so, it will make me, and the vast majority of Oxford residents, very cross.

What will make me even crosser would be if Mr Mitchell and his colleagues decided to charge the residents of Oxford for the privilege of parking outside their own homes to support his very flawed reasoning for residents' parking charges. Their Lib Dem alliance colleagues on the county council would also seem to support charging for residents' permits.

I wonder if they could let us know what they think of Mr Mitchell's proposals to remove parking charges? The only reason that we have to have residents' parking in Oxford is to protect our residents from the influx of people living outside the city coming into Oxford to park in our city streets.

It would seem unfair and unjust to penalise these residents for a situation that is totally outside their control.

I expect that we will have all sorts of silly proposals, from various councillors, over the next month. You could well ask yourself -- why did they not come forward with these proposals before? Gill Sanders (Councillor), Sheriff of Oxford, Littlemore Ward, Oxford City Council