When celebrity chef Jamie Oliver made the quality of school meals an issue, Tony Blair lost no time jumping on the bandwagon and pledging Government action.

It is interesting to compare his response to Mr Oliver to the one given to Chris Kyle's request for Government funding to secure the future of the Pathway Workshop in Blackbird Leys, Oxford.

She wrote to the Prime Minister last October when it was facing closure.

Since then, her letter has been passed from one Government department to another, with none bothering to reply, let alone act on her request.

The letter has now apparently landed on someone's desk at the Department of Food and Rural Affairs.

The Pathway Workshop does excellent work helping people with learning difficulties to make garden products and furniture from waste wood.

Even if the Government isn't willing to give cash to the project, surely Mrs Kyle is entitled to the courtesy of a reply from the Prime Minister?

What's the betting now the Government's failure has been highlighted, a letter will be in the post within the next week?

And politicians of all parties wonder why the public are so cynical about them.