May I reply to Chris Boswell's letter about the "dreaded helicopter" (Oxford Mail, April 11)?

We in Abingdon have had a police helicopter hovering in pursuit of people who have committed a crime, and it's a great relief to find out that with the help of the helicopter, the pursuit was successful.

Those who live in Abingdon are close to Dalton Barracks and the army helicopters are constantly flying over my rooftop. Some people may moan about them, but to me - no problem.

My one regret is that they were not around from 1939-45. My brother, brother-in-law and I were in south east Asia. The only planes we had were Hurricanes and the Vulti-Vengeance Bombers.

As my brother and brother-in-law were behind enemy lines, the helicopter would have been a godsend.

I hope no-one in Mr Boswell's area needs the air ambulance service - I am sure he would find fault with that.

I suggest he get a pair of ear muffs. Tom Ward, Allder Close, Abingdon