I was incensed to read of the treatment by South Oxfordshire Housing Association (Soha) of pensioners at Badger's Close, Forest Hill, and Windows Court, Wheatley by forcing them to leave their homes (Oxford Mail, April 22).

I am appalled that elderly folk are being treated with such inhumanity. These are people who suffered hardship, and fought through the Second World War so that we and the people who run Soha could live in freedom and security.

Helen Scullard, head of housing at South Oxfordshire District Council, states there is an oversupply of sheltered housing. Where? Again, the emphasis is on making money, from the sale of Badger's Close. Councils, housing associations and do-gooders already bend over backwards to be seen helping younger people, with families or not.

Stating that Windows Court is needed for couples, single people and families is wrong when it means uprooting defenceless people from their homes.

When will all right-minded residents of this once proud country stand up and make their voices heard, and leave no doubt that we demand our elderly folk be treated with care, respect, security and peace of mind in their final years?

We all grow old. Do we want this for ourselves? Soha and South Oxfordshire District Council -- you are very wrong, don't do it.

JOY LONG, Fettiplace Road, Witney