As if building masses of houses everywhere is not bad enough, parts of Abingdon have now been infested with blocks of multi-storey breeding pens for humans, yet people still moan about the so-called 'housing shortage'.

No-one will tell us where the human products of all these breeding pens will be housed in future decades.

No doubt more depraved destruction of this once green and pleasant land.

Mountains of offensive rubbish are being created with fewer places to dump it.

Widespread health problems are being caused through excessive air pollution.

There is so much sewage being created that it is sometimes causing pollution problems, yet still no mention of the population problem.

Then we have the traffic chaos to add to all the madness.

If humans cannot or will not control their numbers, they will exacerbate every evil under the sun by their mindless folly.

We are told that 30,000 babies die every day in parts of the world. Anyone with an active brain would say this is because there are 30,000 too many births.

It is time everyone counted the overall cost of rampant human depravity. It appears that humanity is beyond help. Roy Stewart, Geoffrey Barbour Road, Abingdon