Sir – Oxford City Council’s executive board was due to consider the objections to the disposal of public open space (ie part of Cutteslowe Park for the wind turbine project) at a meeting on March 3.

The report made to the board by the council’s own officers summarily sweeps aside all objections to the disposal making the whole exercise a whitewash.

I have personally heard John Tanner (executive board member for a cleaner, greener city) apologise twice, at two separate meetings for the way in which the disposal was handled. However, the report quickly dismisses any objections relating to insufficient consultation.

Another set of objections relates to the “impact on leisure”. The report states “It is not believed that there will be any adverse impact on informal activities”. This may be the belief of the author of the report but there are many others who would disagree!

The grandest claim in the report however, is the statement that “Facilitating renewable energy generation . . . also has a wider impact by demonstrating community, regional and national leadership by Oxford City Council tackling climate change”. Oxford City Council showing national leadership? Surely the council has and should have no role in trying to lead national energy initiatives. Its job is to serve Oxford and it would not be doing this by spoiling a beautiful park with a token 130m-high wind turbine.

Suzanne McIvor, Oxford