THESE days, the Women’s Institute is not just about singing Jerusalem and making jam.

More than 70 WI members gathered at the institute’s adult educational centre Denman College, in Marcham, today, to pick up power tools and get to grips with basic DIY.

The women tried their hand at several traditionally masculine activities, such as fixing leaky taps, putting up shelves and tiling.

The event, ran in association with DIY store B&Q, was held to give women the confidence to carry out handy work without relying on their husbands and also save money by not having to call out tradesmen.

Chairman of the Oxfordshire federation of Women’s Institutes Pauline Goddard, 62, said: “It has been extremely useful. We have learnt a lot and now I know how to put up a straight shelf. I cannot wait to put some up when I get home.

“Some of us live on our own so learning these skills has been really helpful.”

Federation board member Trine Lucy, 66, said: “I think this is brilliant because not all husbands are useful! I enjoy doing things with my hands like repainting old furniture so this is great for me.”