A 23-YEAR-OLD man who carried out a knife attack after a road-rage incident escaped prison “by a whisker” today.

Ross Chittock attacked Edward Kent, in Long Wittenham, near Didcot, on November 6, 2008, after a friend of Chittock’s was frustrated by the victim’s wife’s driving.

Chittock, of Overmead, Abingdon, had earlier admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

Kate Tompkins, prosecuting, told Oxford Crown Court a friend of the defendant had been tailgating and making gestures behind Mr Kent’s wife earlier that day.

Later, the same car, containing Chittock and four others, returned to the Kents’ house in Saxons Heath in Long Wittenham and Chittock, who has eight previous convictions, confronted the victim.

She said: “The defendant said ‘do you want any hassle?’. He then headbutted him in the face.

“Mr Kent tried to swing at him with a broom handle but he was then struck to the left side of his head with the knife.”

Miss Tompkins said Chittock shouted, “put the phone down or you’ll get a kicking” as a family member called 999.

Clare Fraser, defending, said Chittock had a five-month-old son and had “shown a motivation to change”.

Judge Bruce McIntyre gave Chittock a 12-month sentence, suspended for two years, and ordered him to do 200 hours’ unpaid work.

He said: “You have missed prison by a whisker. I should probably send you to prison but I think there are so many positives in the [pre-sentence] report. Please, please take the chance.”