Businessman Clive Taylor is raising money for Oxford Children’s Hospital to thank staff who cared for his daughter when she needed an eye operation.

Three years ago, Mr Taylor’s daughter Harriet, then five, suffered a growth on her eyelid and needed a general anaesthetic for it to be removed.

The operation was a success and Mr Taylor, 44, who runs a credit management company, is training for this year’s OX5 Run at Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, on Sunday, April 18.

It will be the fifth time Mr Taylor has taken part in the OX5 Run, and this year he has put together a team of runners from Witney Big Breakfast, a business support network that meets regularly at Hacketts wine bar in the town’s Wesley Walk.

Mr Taylor, who also has another daughter, Charlotte, nine, said: “Harriet is now eight and she is fine — the operation was a complete success.

“But it was a very worrying time for me and my wife Stephanie.

“We were very thankful for the care and support of the staff at the Children’s Hospital, who tried to reassure us every step of the way.

“I thought the least we could do was put a team together for the OX5 Run – and Jo Sensecall, Chris Morris, Chris Banbury and Jamie McIntyre from the Witney Big Breakfast will be joining me on the day of the race.

“We hope to raise at least £500.

“The more businesses entering teams in the race the better, because obviously that boosts the total number of runners.”

This year, organisers are hoping that 1,000 runners will take part in the five-mile run to raise an estimated £65,000 for new toys and equipment.

Sarah Vaccari, a spokesman for the hospital, which is on the John Radcliffe Hospital site in Headington, said: “It’s great to hear that Clive is on to his fifth OX5 Run — it shows how dedicated he is towards the Children’s Hospital, and we really appreciate this fantastic support.”